Dornier Claim



Lindauer DORNIER GmbH welcomes new trainees and dual students

Lindauer DORNIER GmbH is pleased to welcome a total of 27 new trainees and dual students for the start of their training. Providing training for young people and fostering the next generation of skilled workers in the region is particularly important to the family-owned company from Lindau. Thus, among the technical and commercial DORNIER trainees and dual students, there are also six external apprentices who are completing their basic metalworking training at DORNIER.


Lindauer DORNIER continues to rely on solar power: New photovoltaic system at main plant in Lindau goes into operation

Lindauer DORNIER has put a new photovoltaic system into operation at its main plant in Lindau. Following the system at the Esseratsweiler plant, which was connected to the grid at the end of 2022, this is the machine and plant manufacturer's second photovoltaic system. In future, it will not only supply the company's own production, but also the public power grid with environmentally friendly solar energy. The family-owned company's aim is to cover its electricity needs entirely from renewables in the long term.







1950年,林道尔 · 多尼尔有限公司由彼特 · 多尼尔先生,著名的航空先驱克劳德 · 多尼尔先生之子,在林道的维康巴赫大街创建成立,如今这里已成为公司的总部。公司在新业务领域的第一项成果就是梭织机的生产。

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